Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Most Successful Recycling Day Yet!

Thanks to all of you who participated in the last recycling day and made it the most successful one yet! More than 120 people brought their recycables to us on Saturday. We recycled 2,444 kilos (5,338 lbs) of material, bringing the grand total of material recycled to approximately 7.5 metric tons (16,540 lbs).

We would like to thank all volunteers, as well as Cafe-Cafe, Rancho Villa Real, Tamarindo Preserve, Witch's Rock Surf Camp, Pixel, Pro Mejoras de Tamarindo, RPM and the Association of Santa Rosa for their invaluable support.

1 comment:

Drew said...

Hello, I'm Drew from a search
engine for free and swap items. Our mission is to provide a
means for people to find items they need while reducing
landfill waste.

We would much appreciate a review of our site or any
feedback to help improve our service.

Feel free to contact me directly for questions, etc Nicole Boivin –